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Many to Many - Intro

We saw how to work with One-to-Many relationships in the data.

But how do you handle Many-to-Many relationships?

Let's explore them. 🚀

Starting from One-to-Many

Let's start with the familiar and simpler option of One-to-Many.

We have one table with teams and one with heroes, and for each one team, we can have many heroes.

As each team could have multiple heroes, we wouldn't be able to put the Hero IDs in columns for all of them in the team table.

But as each hero can belong only to one team, we have a single column in the heroes table to point to the specific team (to a specific row in the team table).

The team table looks like this:

1PreventersSharp Tower
2Z-ForceSister Margaret's Bar


Notice that it doesn't have any foreign key to other tables.

And the hero table looks like this:

1DeadpondDive Wilsonnull2
2Spider-BoyPedro Parqueadornull1
3Rusty-ManTommy Sharp481

We have a column in the hero table for the team_id that points to the ID of a specific team in the team table.

This is how we connect each hero with a team:

table relationships

Notice that each hero can only have one connection. But each team can receive many connections. In particular, the team Preventers has two heroes.

Introduce Many-to-Many

But let's say that as Deadpond is a great character, they recruit him to the new Preventers team, but he's still part of the Z-Force team too.

So, now, we need to be able to have a hero that is connected to many teams. And then, each team, should still be able to receive many heroes. So we need a Many-to-Many relationship.

A naive approach that wouldn't work very well is to add more columns to the hero table. Imagine we add two extra columns. Now we could connect a single hero to 3 teams in total, but not more. So we haven't really solved the problem of supporting many teams, only a very limited fixed number of teams.

We can do better! 🤓

We can create another table that would represent the link between the hero and team tables.

All this table contains is two columns, hero_id and team_id.

Both columns are foreign keys pointing to the ID of a specific row in the hero and team tables.

As this will represent the hero-team-link, let's call the table heroteamlink.

It would look like this:

many-to-many table relationships

Notice that now the table hero doesn't have a team_id column anymore, it is replaced by this link table.

And the team table, just as before, doesn't have any foreign key either.

Specifically, the new link table heroteamlink would be:



Other names used for this link table are:

  • association table
  • secondary table
  • junction table
  • intermediate table
  • join table
  • through table
  • relationship table
  • connection table

I'm using the term "link table" because it's short, doesn't collide with other terms already used (e.g. "relationship"), it's easy to remember how to write it, etc.

Cool, we have a link table with just two columns. But remember that SQL databases require each row to have a primary key that uniquely identifies the row in that table?

Now, what is the primary key in this table?

How to we identify each unique row?

Should we add another column just to be the primary key of this link table? Nope! We don't have to do that. 👌

Both columns are the primary key of each row in this table (and each row just has those two columns). ✨

A primary key is a way to uniquely identify a particular row in a single table. But it doesn't have to be a single column.

A primary key can be a group of the columns in a table, which combined are unique in this table.

Check the table above again, see that each row has a unique combination of hero_id and team_id?

We cannot have duplicated primary keys, which means that we cannot have duplicated links between hero and team, exactly what we want!

For example, the database will now prevent an error like this, with a duplicated row:

3 🚨1 🚨

It wouldn't make sense to have a hero be part of the same team twice, right?

Now, just by using the two columns as the primary keys of this table, SQL will take care of preventing us from duplicating a link between hero and team. ✅


An intro with a recap! That's weird... but anyway. 🤷

Now you have the theory about the many-to-many relationships, and how to solve them with tables in SQL. 🤓

Now let's check how to write the SQL and the code to work with them. 🚀